Bogor Regency, 7 June 2024 – EMC Healthcare (EMC) which operates under PT Sarana Meditama Metropolitan Tbk. (SAME), a subsidiary of PT Elang Mahkota Teknologi Tbk. (EMTEK), continues its commitment to medical services by inaugurating the construction of the new EMC Sentul Hospital expansion building located in Sentul City, Jl. MH Thamrin Kav. 57, Citaringgul, District. Babakan Madang, Bogor Regency, West Java. The inauguration was held on Friday, June 7 2024 by President Director of EMC Healthcare Jusup Halimi, Deputy President Director of EMC Healthcare dr. Juniwati Gunawan, MM, Director of EMC Sentul Hospital dr. GA Kusmiati, along with the management of EMC Healthcare.
This new building will have 5 (five) floors with a total building area of +/- 10,361m2 which is connected to the current EMC Sentul Hospital building. This development will of course increase the capacity of inpatient and outpatient rooms with the addition of new polyclinic rooms. With the new building, it is hoped that EMC Sentul Hospital can further improve the quality of health services to the community.
The expansion of EMC Sentul Hospital is a historical milestone for EMC Healthcare and continues EMC Sentul Hospital's commitment to always care with passion and provide the best clinical outcomes for all patients. With the new building, it is hoped that patients will experience a better, safer and more comfortable patient experience . Of course, this is not the final goal for EMC Sentul Hospital, EMTEK shareholders and all management will continue to strive to carry out other developments in the future.
The development of the new EMC Sentul Hospital building is not the first business development carried out by EMC Healthcare. Previously in 2020-2022, EMC Healthcare had acquired shares from several well-known health service providers such as PT Kedoya Adyaraya Tbk. (Grha Kedoya Hospital) and Jakarta Eye Center (JEC).
EMC Sentul Hospital has been established since 2013, located in the eco green environment of Sentul, East Bogor. Supported by various complete and up-to-date medical facilities and has several superior services such as Plastic Surgery and Aesthetic Center, Sports Clinic, Spine Clinic, Pain Management Center , Minimally Invasive Neuro Surgery (MINS), and Thyroid Clinic . With the expansion of the building, EMC Sentul Hospital is committed to becoming a health service provider that continues to innovate in providing superior and trusted services.