Scoliosis Awareness Month at EMC Pulomas Hospital

In commemoration of Scoliosis Awareness Month, on Sunday (26/5/2024) the National Defense Touring (TBN) Series in collaboration with EMC Pulomas Hospital held health checks such as checking blood pressure, instant blood sugar and uric acid.

The event was held in the auditorium dr. Wartomo, EMC Pulomas Hospital, 7th floor, was attended by 50 participants consisting of representatives of four-wheeled automotive clubs/communities around Jabodetabek.

At this event, TBN Series and EMC Pulomas Hospital also held a healthy talk with resource person Dr. Richard Afandi, Sp.OT (Orthopaedic and Traumatology Specialist at EMC Pulomas Hospital) who presented the topic "What is Scoliosis?"

Also present at the event was the 11th Minister of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Indonesia who is also the Trustee of the TBN Series, KRMT Roy Suryo, Chair of the TBN Series Presidium, Donny Pur, Chair of the TBN Series National Committee, Irwantoko Selo Pranoto who is familiarly called "Adoy", and several General Chair of the four-wheeled automotive club/community.

As previously known, the TBN Series is a gathering place for the younger generation, representatives of 151 four-wheeled clubs / communities throughout Jabodetabek, as an example of the automotive version of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, which always routinely and massively and consistently organizes events related to the grounding of Pancasila and defending countries, such as visiting museums, historical buildings, and education such as this event.

Scoliosis is a disorder characterized by a curved spine that resembles the shape of the letter "S" or "C".

Specialist in orthopedics and traumatology, dr. Richard Afandi, Sp.OT explained, "The effects of scoliosis include, among other things, causing a feeling of stiffness or back pain after activities, breathing problems in conditions of severe scoliosis, and poor appearance."

In this activity, apart from receiving education about Scoliosis, participants also received a free health check, had lunch together, and received a goodie bag from EMC Pulomas Hospital.

"I hope that educational events like this will continue to be held side by side with ground coffee and touring." said Roy Suryo, as TBN Series Supervisor.

"With today's education and early detection, it is hoped that the condition of the spine can be prevented from getting worse, and can be treated early," said Chairman of the Presidium of the TBN series, Donny Pur.

National Public Relations, Jeremy Timothy, accompanied by the Deputy Chair of the Committee, Imam Sayuti Ogiansyah, expressed his gratitude to the parties who had supported this event.

"Thank you to EMC Pulomas Hospital, the sponsors, as well as the participants who have participated in this event. Look forward to the excitement of the next National Defense Series Touring events."