Care Plus

Myth or Fact? Revealing the Truth About TB Disease
TB is an abbreviation of tuberculosis, sometimes referred to as TB disease. TB is a contagious bacterial infection that mainly attacks the lungs, but can...

Steps to Treat Kidney Infections Correctly!
Kidney infection, also known as pyelonephritis , is a medical condition that occurs when bacteria spreads from the urinary tract to one or both kidneys....

Understanding the Importance of the Serious Impact of the Dangers of Diarrhea Complications
Diarrhea is a common condition experienced by many people. Diarrhea is usually caused by Escherichia coli ( E.coli ) bacteria. Although often considered a...

Normal and Abnormal Vaginal Discharge, What is the Difference Between the Two?
Vaginal discharge is a problem that often occurs and is quite annoying for most women. Leucorrhoea or vaginal discharge is a normal thing experienced by...

What is Pneumonia? Recognize the Symptoms and Treatment
Pneumonia is an infectious disease of the lungs caused by bacteria, viruses or fungi. A person can contract pneumonia if they have close contact with...