Care Plus
The Most Common Nutritional Problems in Adolescents
Nutritional problems are common, especially in Indonesia. Nutritional problems arise because there is an imbalance or disturbance between the intake received and the body's needs....
Education for Pregnant & Breastfeeding Mothers
Pregnancy is the most awaited thing by many married couples. Of course, every family wants the baby to be conceived healthy always and all processes...
5 Most Frequent Mistakes When Undergoing the Keto Diet
Various diet trends increasingly appear alternately. One that is quite popular is the keto diet. In principle, this diet is done by eating foods low...
Balanced Nutrition For A Healthy Lifestyle
Nutrition is a staple food substance needed for growth and health of the body. Balanced nutrition is a daily food composition that contains nutrients in...
Don't worry about stunting
"Doc, is my child short or not, is this what is called stunting? I'm worried, doc." The rise of stunting cases has made many patients...