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Care Plus

Don't Ignore Low Back and Back Pain, Here's What Needs to Be Done
Those of you who do a lot of physical activity every day may often experience pain in your waist and lower back. Sometimes, this pain...

Low back pain interfering with activities? This Latest Healing Method Is Effective Overcoming Low Back Pain
Low back pain is a health problem that is often complained of as we get older. If a person has low back pain, he will...

Get to know Low Back Pain and its Causes
Low Back Pain is commonly known as LBP Almost everyone has suffered from LBP complaints in their life LBP is defined as a localized sensation...

PSLD – Technology to Treat Lumbago and Pinched Nerves Due to Spinal Stenosis
Low back pain and pinched nerves often cause discomfort and harm the body. For some sufferers even unable to work or carry out their daily...

LDR (Lumbar Disc Replacement) Procedure, Safely and Effectively Resolves Back Pain Complaints
Daily mobility must of course be supported by bodily health. If the body feels pain or discomfort it will of course affect activities and if...