Care Plus

Lifestyle that is important to be done consistently by people with asthma
As an asthma sufferer, whether you have chronic asthma or not, you certainly understand how it feels when this disease interferes with your airways and...

This Is What Happens To Your Lungs And Body If You Quit Smoking
Smoking kills you, that's the slogan written on cigarette packs accompanied by other statements to stop smoking habits. Almost all smokers know that smoking is...

Air Pollution Is Getting Worse, What Are the Effects on the Lungs?
According to AirVisual, Jakarta ranks third as a city with the highest levels of air pollution in the world. As of August 24 2018, Indonesia's...

Indonesia Ranks Third with the Most TB Patients, Protect Yourself with These Prevention Steps
Referring to the 2019 WHO Global Tuberculosis Report, Indonesia ranks third as the country with the most tuberculosis (TB or TB) sufferers in the world,...

Recognize Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), which must be examined by a doctor immediately.
Are you experiencing a cough with phlegm that doesn't go away? Are you an active/passive smoker? Do you work in an environment that is frequently...