Care Plus

Haze Emergency, See 5 Ways to Overcome ISPA Due to Karhutla
Not only smoking, diseases that attack your respiratory system can also be caused by unhealthy air, filled with pollution and smoke from combustion. That is...

These are Vulnerable Diseases After Floods and Ways to Overcome Them
At the beginning of 2020, Indonesia was greeted with an unfriendly climate and high rainfall. These conditions caused flooding in several areas in Indonesia, such...

Pollution causes ISPA? Get to know the types & treatments
Air pollution is the contamination of the air by any substance that is harmful to humans and other living organisms. This can cause or contribute...

Get to know ISPA: Acute Respiratory Tract Infection
Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI) refer to a group of diseases that attack the respiratory tract, from the nose and throat to the lungs. ARI is...

HMPV Virus Spreading? What are the Symptoms and Prevention?
Human Metapneumovirus (HMPV) is currently in the spotlight due to its widespread distribution. Although it generally causes mild symptoms in most people, this virus can...