Care Plus

Get to know the overall causes of varicose veins and how to treat them effectively
Having protruding veins in the calves for some people, especially women, is something that is very feared because it is considered disturbing appearance. The prominent...

Lack of Confidence because of Varicose Veins? Let's Know the Handling Solution!
Having a physically healthy body is one of the things that makes you more confident in your appearance. For most women, wearing clothes that expose...

Kenali Apa Itu Varises Vena dan Pelajari Cara Mengobatinya!
Vena adalah pembuluh darah yang berfungsi mengembalikan darah dari seluruh tubuh ke jantung. Vena terdiri dari 3 jenis, yaitu vena superficial (dekat permukaan kulit), vena...

Recognizing Varicose Veins and How to Handle them Through EVLT Therapy
Varicose veins are a common medical condition in humans, especially in women. This condition occurs when the veins, especially in the legs, widen or swell,...

Important Varices to Know
Varicose veins are dilation or swelling of the veins due to the accumulation of blood in these vessels. This condition causes the veins to appear...