Care Plus

Things to Do Before Performing Minimally Invasive Surgery
Over time, technology continues to develop to find the best way to help humans meet their needs. In fact, the medical world is now taking...

Beware of Lumps in the Armpit
The armpit is an area of the body that is full of lymph nodes and functions to clean bacteria and other harmful substances from the...

Lipoma: Benign Tumor Under the Skin
Have you ever heard of lipoma? Lipoma is a benign tumor that is often found in several parts of the body such as: the patient's...

Getting to Know Atheroma Cysts: Cysts Under the Skin
Have you ever heard the term "atheroma cyst"? Atheroma cysts or also known as epidermoid cysts are lumps under the skin in the form of...

Get to know hemorrhoids and how to treat them
Hemorrhoids or hemorrhoids, although often considered trivial, often bother sufferers because of pain, discomfort, and even bleeding when defecating. However, sufferers often hesitate to see...