Care Plus

Overcome Your Bone and Joint Complaints in the Following Ways!
Complaints about bones and joints can be experienced by anyone, both young and old, which of course can interfere with daily activities. In fact, if...

Cycling Sports For Bone And Joint Health
Indonesian people are starting to realize the importance of exercising as seen by the increasing trend in sports activities. One of his favorite sports is...

Bone Cancer: Full Review of Symptoms and Early Prevention!
Bone cancer is abnormal and uncontrolled cell growth in the bones. Although it can appear anywhere on the body, it usually occurs more often on...

Get to know the Arthroscopic Procedure for Treating Sports Injuries
Have you ever experienced an injury during or after exercising? Starting from sprains, sprains, muscle cramps, or even broken bones, some people have definitely felt...

What is Osteoarthritis and How to Treat It?
Osteoarthritis is one of the most common joint disorders, especially in older age. It causes damage to the cartilage lining the joints, resulting in pain,...