Care Plus

Is it true that women are more prone to hemorrhoids or hemorrhoids? Let's Get to Know the Symptoms and How to Prevent It!
Hemorrhoids ( hemorrhoids ) or hemorrhoids are a disease that arises due to swelling of the veins in the area around the anus. The causes...

Uncomfortable Activities Because of Hemorrhoids? Here's How to Overcome Hemorrhoids So They Don't Relapse!
Hemorrhoids ( hemorrhoids ) or often known as hemorrhoids are a very common disease, especially in adults. Hemorrhoids occur due to swelling of the veins...

Latest Management of Hemorrhoids (Hemorrhoids) with the HAL-RAR Method
The word hemorrhoid comes from the Greek " haemorrhoides ", which means flow of blood ( haem = blood, rhoos = flow). Hemorrhoid disease, which...

Get to know hemorrhoids and how to treat them
Hemorrhoids or hemorrhoids, although often considered trivial, often bother sufferers because of pain, discomfort, and even bleeding when defecating. However, sufferers often hesitate to see...

Pain in the Anus Area? Don't Let Hemorrhoids Interfere with Your Happiness!
Did you know that everyone actually has hemorrhoids, some also call these hemorrhoids ambeian or hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are a collection of veins shaped like pillows,...