Care Plus

What is Hydrosalpinx? Understand the causes and how to overcome them!
It cannot be denied that a woman can be at risk of developing various diseases of the reproductive organs which can be caused by various...

Symptoms of Cervical Cancer that You Must Know Early!
Cervical cancer is a serious disease that can affect reproductive health and a woman's body as a whole. In understanding this disease, we need to...

Normal and Abnormal Vaginal Discharge, What is the Difference Between the Two?
Vaginal discharge is a problem that often occurs and is quite annoying for most women. Leucorrhoea or vaginal discharge is a normal thing experienced by...

Left Side Abdominal Pain: Danger Sign or Trivial? Find Out the Causes and How to Treat It!
Did you know that left abdominal pain can be a sign of a rather disturbing and worrying problem? The specific location of this pain often...

Recognize Myths That Threaten Women's Reproductive Health
Some mothers often remind their daughters not to clean their feminine parts with soap. In fact, this is wrong, cleaning feminine parts must use soap. ...