Care Plus

Effective solution for dealing with the body getting tired quickly and feeling sleepy easily
Do you often feel excessively tired or sleepy quickly when doing daily activities? This has causes that you must pay attention to because there are...

Recognize the causes of heart swelling and appropriate treatment measures
The human body is blessed with various organs which have an important role in supporting survival, one of which is the heart. The heart is...

What are the conditions of the tonsils that require surgery?
Tonsils or in medical language we call them tonsils, are lymphoid tissue in our throat area, the location that we often see is on the...

Get to Know Hemangioma, A Benign Tumor Found on the Skin
Have you ever heard of Hemangioma? This disease may sound familiar to some of us. Although hemangioma is more common in babies and children, the...

Alert! This is the result if your body is deficient in Vitamin D
The body needs various kinds of nutrients to support its metabolic processes, one of which is vitamin D. Vitamin D is an important nutrient for...