Care Plus

Causes of Pinched Nerves and Treatment Through Minimally Invasive Surgery
Did you know that our body has a spine which is made up of specific segments? With these joints, our bodies are able to move...

Overcome Your Bone and Joint Complaints in the Following Ways!
Complaints about bones and joints can be experienced by anyone, both young and old, which of course can interfere with daily activities. In fact, if...

Knows No Age Limits, Prevents Arthritis Before It Is Severely Damaged
Arthritis can be experienced by anyone and at various ages, including children and adolescents. Get to know what arthritis is and how to prevent it ...

Cycling Sports For Bone And Joint Health
Indonesian people are starting to realize the importance of exercising as seen by the increasing trend in sports activities. One of his favorite sports is...

Total Knee Replacement Management and Pre- and Post-operative Care
What is Knee Replacement ? Knee replacement is a surgical procedure in which the damaged part of the knee is replaced with an artificial implant....