Care Plus

The Importance of Knowing Colon Cancer Detection and Symptoms that Can Cause Death
Colon cancer ( colorectal cancer ) is cancer that occurs in the lower digestive tract, namely the large intestine and rectum (the last part of...

What is Bariatric Surgery?
Bariatric surgery is a surgical method that can be an alternative for someone to lose weight, especially for those who are classified as obese and...

Colon Cancer (Colorectal Cancer), Can It Be Prevented?
The digestive tract is one of the important "lines" in the human body. Through this channel, the food consumed is processed and absorbed by the...

Pain in the Anus Area? Don't Let Hemorrhoids Interfere with Your Happiness!
Did you know that everyone actually has hemorrhoids, some also call these hemorrhoids ambeian or hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are a collection of veins shaped like pillows,...