In order to commemorate World Patient Safety Day 2023, the EMC Group Hospital will hold an International Webinar with the theme: "Engaging Patients For Patient Safety"

Source person :

Francine Westergaard,MSN, MBA, RN (Joint Commission International Principal Consultant)
Topic : “Engaging patients for patient safety has been one of the seven strategic objectives of the Global Patient Safety Action Plan 2021–2030”

dr. Bambang Tutuko, Sp.An. KIC (Chairman of National Patient Safety Committee)
Topic : “Challenges of implementing patient and family engagement for improving patient safety in Indonesia?”

Dr. Rita Sekarsari SKp.,SpKV.,MHSM.,MH FISQua (Head of the Quality Improvement Sub Committee for Harapan Kita Hospital)
Topic: “Patient and family engagement in integrated care, "What should a nurse do?"

Apt. Yulia Trisna., M.Pharm, FisQua (Vice President South East Asia Region International pharmaceutical federation, Hospital Pharmacy Section 2020 – 2024)
Topic : “The role of pharmacy in implementing patient & family engagement for improving patient safety”.

Dr. Kevin, Sp.N (Head of the Quality Committee at EMC Alam Sutera Hospital)
Topic : “Improving Discharge Plan for Better Patient Outcomes"

Welcome from:
- Ir. Budi Gunadi Sadikin, CHFC, CLU (Ministry of Health)
- dr. Bambang Wibowo, Sp.OG.,(K).,FISQua (PERSI)
- Jusup Halimi (President Director of EMC Healthcare Group)

The webinar will take place on:
?️ Friday, September 15, 2023
?️ 09.00 – 16.30 WIB
? Investment: 50K (Transfer to BCA Account: 5220389989 an PT Sarana Meditama Anugerah)
? SKP available: IDI, PPNI & IAI
? Doorprize

Participants can take part in the webinar by registering at the link:

Contact Person : Gede (081271970182).