Terkait Ortopedi & Traumatologi

dr. I Made Buddy Setiawan, M.Biomed, Sp.OT(K)Spine
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dr. I Made Buddy Setiawan, M.Biomed, Sp.OT(K)Spine
RS EMC Pekayon
dr. Fredy Arianto, sp.OT (Hand and Micro Surgery)
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dr. Fredy Arianto, sp.OT (Hand and Micro Surgery)
RS EMC Pekayon
dr. Alfa Januar Krista, Sp.OT (Foot and Ankle Surgeon), M.Kes, FICS, AIFO-K
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dr. Alfa Januar Krista, Sp.OT (Foot and Ankle Surgeon), M.Kes, FICS, AIFO-K
RS EMC Pekayon
dr. Othdeh Samuel Halomoan, Sp.OT
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dr. Othdeh Samuel Halomoan, Sp.OT
RS EMC Pekayon
dr. Arrio Yusman, Sp.OT (K) Sports Injury
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dr. Arrio Yusman, Sp.OT (K) Sports Injury
RS EMC Pekayon
dr. Jephtah Tobing, MD,B.Med.Sci (Hons), Sp.OT (K-Spine)
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dr. Jephtah Tobing, MD,B.Med.Sci (Hons), Sp.OT (K-Spine)
RS EMC Alam Sutera
dr. Herwindo Ridwan, Sp.OT
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dr. Herwindo Ridwan, Sp.OT
RS EMC Alam Sutera
dr. Albert Gandakusuma, Sp.OT
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dr. Albert Gandakusuma, Sp.OT
RS EMC Alam Sutera
dr. Margareta Arianni, Sp.OT (K) Hand Surgery
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dr. Margareta Arianni, Sp.OT (K) Hand Surgery
RS EMC Alam Sutera
dr. Moch Nagieb, Sp.OT (K), FICS, MARS, AIFO-K, FiSQUA
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dr. Moch Nagieb, Sp.OT (K), FICS, MARS, AIFO-K, FiSQUA
RS EMC Alam Sutera
dr. Rudi Hadinata, M.Ked, Sp.OT (K) Hip & Knee
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dr. Rudi Hadinata, M.Ked, Sp.OT (K) Hip & Knee
RS EMC Cibitung
dr. Fathurrahman, Sp.OT
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dr. Fathurrahman, Sp.OT
RS EMC Cibitung
dr. A. A. G. Putra Prameswara, Sp. OT, FICS, AIFO-K
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dr. A. A. G. Putra Prameswara, Sp. OT, FICS, AIFO-K
RS EMC Cikarang
dr. Reygais Razman, M.Kes, AIFO-K, FICS, Sp.OT, Subsp. PL (K)
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dr. Reygais Razman, M.Kes, AIFO-K, FICS, Sp.OT, Subsp. PL (K)
RS EMC Cikarang
dr. Dipa Yunta Firmanda, Sp.OT
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dr. Dipa Yunta Firmanda, Sp.OT
RS EMC Cikarang
dr. Ari Sigit, Sp.OT (K) Spine
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dr. Ari Sigit, Sp.OT (K) Spine
RS EMC Grha Kedoya
dr.Handriadi Winaga,M.Kes, SpOT., AIFO-K
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dr.Handriadi Winaga,M.Kes, SpOT., AIFO-K
RS EMC Grha Kedoya
dr. Kisli Setiawan, Sp.OT
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dr. Kisli Setiawan, Sp.OT
RS EMC Grha Kedoya
dr. Bobby N. Nelwan, Sp.OT (K) Sports Injury
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dr. Bobby N. Nelwan, Sp.OT (K) Sports Injury
RS EMC Pulomas
dr. Sumpada Priambudi, Sp. OT (K) Sports Injury
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dr. Sumpada Priambudi, Sp. OT (K) Sports Injury
RS EMC Pulomas
dr. Nicko Perdana Hardiansyah, Sp.OT (K) Spine
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dr. Nicko Perdana Hardiansyah, Sp.OT (K) Spine
RS EMC Pulomas
dr. Richard Afandi, Sp.OT
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dr. Richard Afandi, Sp.OT
RS EMC Pulomas
dr. Herman Gofara, Sp.OT (K) Spine
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dr. Herman Gofara, Sp.OT (K) Spine
RS EMC Pulomas
dr. Steesy Benedicta, M.Ked.Klin, Sp.OT
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dr. Steesy Benedicta, M.Ked.Klin, Sp.OT
RS EMC Pulomas
dr. James Meinhart Pelealu, Sp.OT (K) Hip & Knee
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dr. James Meinhart Pelealu, Sp.OT (K) Hip & Knee
RS EMC Pulomas
dr. Andi Nusawarta, M.Kes, Sp.OT (K)Sports
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dr. Andi Nusawarta, M.Kes, Sp.OT (K)Sports
RS EMC Sentul
dr. Farindra Ridhalhi, Sp.OT
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dr. Farindra Ridhalhi, Sp.OT
RS EMC Sentul
dr. Imelda Lumban Gaol, Sp.OT (K) Hip & Knee
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dr. Imelda Lumban Gaol, Sp.OT (K) Hip & Knee
RS EMC Sentul
dr. Harmantya Mahadhipta, Sp.OT (K)Spine
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dr. Harmantya Mahadhipta, Sp.OT (K)Spine
RS EMC Tangerang
dr. Pradhana Wijayanta, Sp.OT
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dr. Pradhana Wijayanta, Sp.OT
RS EMC Tangerang
dr. M. Alvin Shiddieqy Pohan, Sp.OT (K) Sport Injury
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dr. M. Alvin Shiddieqy Pohan, Sp.OT (K) Sport Injury
RS EMC Tangerang
dr. H. Dharmadi, Sp.OT
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dr. H. Dharmadi, Sp.OT
RS EMC Tangerang
dr. H. Nurman Effendi, Sp.OT
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dr. H. Nurman Effendi, Sp.OT
RS EMC Tangerang