Get to know the BESS method for treating spine problems

Spinal pain is a health problem that can be experienced by people of all ages. The causes include age, genetic disorders, injuries & accidents.

Pain in the spine should not be considered a trivial problem. This health problem actually needs to be treated immediately. Spinal pain can also lead to leg weakness and can even result in paralysis.

Hernia of the nucleus pulposus (HNP) / Pinched Nerve

A hernia of the nucleus pulposus (HNP) / pinched nerve is a condition when the spinal disc protrudes and presses on the spinal nerves.

HNP or pinched nerves can cause symptoms of pain in the lower back (waist), upper back pain, or neck, depending on the location where the HNP occurs.

Symptoms of HNP depend on which part of the spinal cord is affected, starting from the neck, back and lower back. Symptoms that are often experienced are:

  • Lower back or tailbone pain.
  • Pain like being stabbed in the buttocks area and radiating to one leg.
  • Tingling and weakness in the legs.


Apart from HNP, a spinal disorder that causes pain is spondylolisthesis. This bone disorder occurs due to degenerative or aging processes, injury or cracks in the spine and hereditary factors. Spondylolisthesis is different from a hernia of the nucleus pulposus (HNP) or a pinched nerve.

Spondylolisthesis is a condition when the spine shifts from its normal position. This condition can attack all parts of the spine, from the top, middle, to bottom. Spondylolisthesis generally causes complaints in the form of unbearable pain.

Symptoms of Spondylolisthesis to watch out for are:

  • Lower back pain that radiates to the toes.
  • Numbness or tingling down the back to the legs.
  • Pain or tight sensation in the thigh & buttock muscles.
  • Abnormalities in the curvature of the spine, such as kyphosis.
  • Feeling weak or weak in the legs.

Treatment of HNP and Spondylolisthesis

To help overcome pain in these two spinal problems, the doctor will usually perform surgery using the BESS method or Biportal Endoscopic Spine Surgery.

"Spine problems caused by nerve entrapment now do not require open surgery. The BESS procedure is a minimally invasive procedure using endoscopic tools to treat spinal problems," said Dr. Nicko Perdana Hardiansyah, Sp.OT (K) Spine , Consultant Orthopedic Surgeon Specialist in Spine (Spine) EMC Pulomas Hospital.

The advantages of BESS or Biportal Endoscopic Spine Surgery include:

  • Can clearly see the inside of the nerves because of the wide field of view.
  • The doctor can easily access the opposite side.
  • More suitable for spinal stenosis or calcification procedures.
  • The healing process is relatively fast.

If you experience symptoms of HNP and Spondylolisthesis as described above, you should immediately consult a specialist for treatment as early as possible.